
Which candidate will lead this war correctly? ?

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McCain or Obama ? and How please.

I am curious what each plan to do for military people and how they plan to carry on with the war.

I am soon to be a Marine!

No bias answers please.




  1. You're about to be a Marine? Outstanding. When you are done you'll be very pleased to know that Obama supported the new GI bill which passed and now you and me will not only go to college free at the rate of the highest state school, but also get BAH ( basic allowance for Housing) while we are in school. This is dramatically better than what it used to be.

    McCain was against it. McCain is a veteran (and served with distinction- one of my heros) but he's rich so he's basically out of touch. He also voted against the VA budget increase, which would leave our wounded vets high and dry. Obama did not.

    McCain is pretty roundly given a rating of 'F' from just about every prominent veteran's group.

    Obama 08

  2. The correct choice would have been to NOT attack Iraq.

    Ooops. That would have been Obama.

    Of course, Stay the Bush Course!

  3. McCain will support the military and will refuse to surrender America to the terrorists.

    Obama thinks if you give your lunch and your allowance to the playground bully, he might not hit you. And if you let the bully hit your friends and do nothing, he might not hit you.

    Obama is an extreme leftist. Leftists have always despised and loathed the military.

  4. McCain

  5. Barrack Obama. Here is some advice. DON'T JOIN THE MOTHER ******* MARINE CORP OR THE ARMY OR THE ******* NAVY OR AIR FORCE. YOU'LL GET ****** UP. McCain will just continue the war for 10+ years. He's an idiot. Barrack on the other hand will end this ******* war. IF YOU DO JOIN...GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL. 99.99% of soldiers that go onto the battlefield in Iraq come back Tramatized, ****** up in the head, or with limbs blown off...Severe injuries...DON'T JOIN UNTIL THE WAR IS OVER :D.  And McCain was in the war but he wasn't in real combat like the rest of the marines. He's a P-U-S-S-Y. jim c the Ol' Foolosifer you're a ex-marine right? Well, you were a marine in the OLD ******* DAYS WITH THE DINOSAURS. NOW ITS DIFFERENT, YOU PROBABLY WEREN'T EVEN IN COMBAT JUST BASIC TRAINING AND BEING IN THE MILITARY CAMPS ALL DAY.

  6. My husband is in the Army, Special Forces, has done a tour in Iraq and is about to go to Afghanistan. He is voting for Obama.

    Also, Obama has raised the most money from troops overseas. A lot more. Doesn't that tell you something?

  7. I believe McCain will.  He will finish what was started and keep this country safe. He knows how a war goes, and has experience in foreign policy.  he is the appropriate choice. Thank you for putting your life on the line, and doing what most men won't.

  8. the one who keeps a cool head and our people alive unless it's absolutely necessary to put them in harm's way. McCain was raised by a war man and became a war man. From the days of Andrew Jackson, there have been exceptions like Eisenhower, but most former military leaders do not make good diplomats and diplomatic is what a president needs to be.

  9. McCain has seen every side of war imaginable.  He has lived it.  obama might have played some video games where he shot an alien.  No one wants peace more than soldiers.  McCain is a soldier

  10. McCain will be sure that we win and Obama will be sure that we withdraw.

  11. Ron Paul.  He'd end it, and take care of our vets.

  12. McCain. Because of his military service.

    Obama has none.

    U.S. Marine Corps 1960/1968


  13. Bush made us go to war pointlessly.

    Obama wanted to withdraw our troops ASAP since his campaign.

    McCain didn't want to "surrender" (Source #1)

    Bush starts to think about withdrawing the troops and does it. (Source #2)

    McCain doesn't say anything.

    Obama has raised more money from troops than McCain. (Source #3)

    Obama was right all along about the war.

  14. mccain he has been in the millitary, and a war before, therefore he knows more about it.  he is a 3rd generation millitary man.

  15. Obama will move the war to Afghanistan where it should have been since 9/11.

  16. Here is the truth: Obama is charmismatic, but that's about it. He says what people want to hear. Obama is a poor choice, no matter what the bias media tells you; He has LESS experience than Palin!! She was GOVERNOR to 7000 people & fought corruption for a couple YEARS. These are all facts. He was only a senator for a very short time before running for president. America cannot afford to have Obama leading the country. I don't care how much charisma he has. I'm not buying into it; We need a strong leader with experience when half the world is at war (think Russia/Georgia, Iran threatening all the time, Iraq, N.Korea issues, etc), All this "change" mumbo-jumbo is getting to me. He promises the world, and it's too good to be true. Government cannot take care of everything; And I don't want them to. I want to live my own life, thanks. Having gov't completely taking over our lives is downrite scary.

    I am a registered Independent. I vote for both republicans & deomcrats. Unfortunetely, there isn't an independent running. I WAS going to vote for Obama. But, After doing heavy research ON MY OWN (not just watching bias CNN, etc), I found out McCain would be the best choice for Americans.

    GO McCain - Palin 08! Good luck in the voting process. Choose wisely! :)

  17. What war? There are two going on.  Obama would be better.  McCain doesn't take enough time to consider his actions.  

  18. Honestly, I don't really feel that either will lead us correctly.  It's a big mess and I don't think there is a real solution as the Middle East has been at war for centuries, the only difference is now the entire world is getting involved in this mess.  

  19. obama

  20. No offense, but the war is starting to wind down and I think either candidate would leave troops there long enough to have the local gov't take control. Obama has mentioned this and McCain was for the surge. A few more months of "peacekeeping" and fighting terrorists and then we turn it back over to the new Iraqi gov't. Good luck in the Marines! I wish you well.

  21. neither

  22. It is tough. Mcain is a war guy. Obama is a peacemaker.

  23. Obama he is a peacemaker and would stop the war=]

  24. McCain.

    Obama plans to strip us of our defense (our weapons) and pull us out of what we've already gotten ourselves into. where does that leave us? with a huge target on our foreheads? no thanks. why would we want to disarm ourselves when we have already been under attack?

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