
Which candidate would help us skateboarders get some special aid and income?

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Skateboarders are good people and do not have equal opportunity or special funding. I want my mom to vote for the one who cares about skateboarding as a national sport and get some affirmaitive funding.




  1. Get good enough for some sponsors.  You act like "skateboarders" are a class of people that are oppressed in this society.  They're just athletes, similar to any other.  I played High School football 10 years ago... should I get some funding?  Not to mention, I don't think you're mother is going to change who she is going to vote for because her kid wants free money to be a mediocre skater.

  2. There are not enough minorities in the sport to get any special funding. If you want a sport that gets government funding, try basketball or softball.

  3. Neither of them would. Especially John McCain.

  4. Niether of them will.

    But, Obama will promise you he will just to get your Mom's vote...

  5. Neither, both have stated they will introduce special legislation that makes skateboarding illegal.

  6. Here is a excellent example of liberalism on parade, this kid wants the government (TAXPAYERS) to take care of him.

    Why should money be taken out of my paycheck to pay for your skating?

    How about you get a job and I will take money from your paycheck to pay for my new boat.

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