
Which canidate is going to get insurance compnies out of healthcare?

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Which canidate is going to get insurance compnies out of healthcare?




  1. None of them.  In any form of healthcare reimbursement (government or otherwise) an intermediary organization is needed to process claims and verify the validity of same.  If we move towards a single payer or similar system, health insurers are already set up and ready to process claims under whichever system is chosen.

    The other choice is to eliminate health insurance firms and develop a government bureaucracy to handle claims submissions, and that makes no sense, given that a system is already in place.

  2. None of them.  Can't be done.

  3. None of them.  They have no real world busines experience, and don't understand how insurance and healthcare work together.  Or they DO understand it, and are spouting pap to appease the ignorant masses, who don't understand.

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