
Which career field would best fit my bf who has a felony but served no time?

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When my boyfriend was younger he took the blame for a crime that his stupid ex-girlfriend created. She was an employee at a store and ordered merchandise from a former customer's credit card and when the delivery came she called my boyfriend to pick it up. He ended up getting arrested and received 3 felonies and she only got fired from her job! He didn't serve any jail time or receive any penalties other than it prevents him from landing any GOOD paying jobs.

Does anyone have any suggestions on finding a job or which career field would best match his background? If he gets it exponged it will cost $450 and will take a couple of months.




  1. $450.00 is really not a large sum of money.  My office charges $500.00 for a (1) felony expungeable charge.  It's worth it to get it off his record, then he can find employment again.  Nothing will show up, not the arrest, trial, his plea or what the DA's office recomends.  Nothing.  As for career fields anything would be better than basic jobs he had before the expungement.  Right?

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