
Which career is the best choice???

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1. Forensic scientist

2. Architect

3. Radiologist

4. Accounting

What other *enjoyable* careers are there, which does not need chemistry and human biology?




  1. 2.

    court reporting

  2. It's completely up to you... What appeals to someone else might not appeal to you. Do the thing that you think is the most interresting. Choose the career that you know you will be able to suceed and grow into... Good luck and good future! xox  

  3. it ALWAYS depends on ur interest. but for me il pick architecturing

    other enjoyable careers would be event management. u mange an event (duh)

    and there are also stuff like..


    business man? haha

  4. I know a couple of architects; they love what they do. As for other enjoyable careers, it all depends on your interests. I would personally find journalism very interesting.  

  5. What is 'enjoyable' to one person may not be to another so be careful when asking others what career you should choose.  My advice would be to sit down with a piece of paper, divide it into two.  On one side for each career / job you are considering, write down what qualities & skills you think people need to have to do those jobs well (cut out some job ads if it helps).  On the other side write down the qualities & skills you have to offer - also consider what interests / motivates you because you are more likely to 'enjoy' something if it interests/stimulates you.  Then see which job/career has the best match / fit for you.  This way you will eliminate careers which are not suitable and narrow the field so your decision will become a lot easier.

    The website below has an article on line that may help too.  

  6. I believe that a Radiologist is a good career as it is in the medical field and as we know, people will always need the medical area, like hospitals and doctors. Radiologists will always be needed in that case.  

  7. choose the one that you would enjoy the most. there are not many people who enjoy there jobs. after all this is something you will be doing for a while

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