
Which career path is best for me?

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i am trying to figure out what would be a suitable job for myself.

i am intelligent in school for starters. i have two main interest i am thinking about.

the first one is that i really love to study people's faces and facial expressions. i find the reasons behind why we do things subconsciously fascinating. learning how to read body language is very interesting to me.

the other interest of mine is fashion, makeup, hair, etc. I'm not sure if becoming a hair stylist is aiming a little low but it sounds like a fun job that i would really enjoy. maybe something else in that industry.

thanks :)




  1. Yes, I think that you are setting your sights too low in both cases.

    I suggest that you pursue a degree in the hard sciences and then specialize in some narrow scientific aspect which inspires and intrigues you.

    Of course, you don't know what that aspect is at this point in time.  So, start down that formal science road until you feel the urge to specialize in a specific area.

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