
Which career seems more rewarding -a career in the IT sector, or one as an accountant or a finance adviser?

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Which career seems more rewarding -a career in the IT sector, or one as an accountant or a finance adviser?




  1. If by rewarding you mean "pay", I'd have to say the financial field, particularly a CPA, from my observation. (If you mean "fun" or "satisfying" maybe IT would be more rewarding.  I know many IT workers who are funny and laid back, and only serious about their IT projects)

    I'm in the IT sector, and though it pays well, the big money in IT is in management and programming (at least in my market area).  Even then, I often hear it falls short of experienced workers in the financial fields.

    By comparison, a friend 10-years my junior went to college to work towards a CPA.  His summer intern financial jobs paid almost as much as my IT job, and once he got his CPA, he was making more starting out than his IT brother-in-law, a successful IT manager with 10 years experience.

    Now your particular home market might flip-flop things, and really specialized IT fields might pay superior.  But I'm guessing that's in the realm where IT and engineering cross.  Like designing new processors and such.

  2. Accountants.

    When it is booming everybody wants an accountant to tell them how much they are making and how to make more.

    When things go bust everybody wants an accountant to tell them how much they are losing and try to stop the losses.

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