
Which cars are more efficient hydrogen powered or electric powered?

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Which cars are more efficient hydrogen powered or electric powered?




  1. these cars are called green cars hybrid cars i think green car is most powere but nowdays it is so expensive

    One good news

    i think so in china or japan in this week car is developed which run on water only

  2. From Wiki:

    For mobile applications, hydrogen has been called "one of the least efficient, most expensive ways to reduce greenhouse gases"


    here are good links to describe the vehicles ...if Honda is not list there is a hydrogen powered fuel cell car called the FCX (only available in Northern Calif).

  3. Electric is more than three times as efficient as hydrogen fuel cell cars.  See the link below for details and a nice chart illustrating the point.

  4. It still mostly depends on how they are engineered and driven.

    Plus - some 'hydrogen powered' cars actually are electric.

  5. You have to take a lot of things into account to determine "efficiency."  At the moment, technology is still a bit behind what we need to store hydrogen efficiently.  If you are concerned about the number of miles you can drive, it will depend on the car.  If the environment is important to you, take into consideration where the power is coming from.  A car that is powered by electricity coming from a plant that burns coal can create about as much pollution as a car running on fossil fuels.  If you use wind energy, it's a whole different story.

  6. Hydrogen gas to supply common internal combustion engines is the most natural progression that makes sense right now. Many inventers ,around the world, are displaying thier wares, right now! The science behind producing hydrogen has been known for 3 century's. The trick is to produce it  in an on-demand equal to consume manner for immediate work to be performed. A Japanese group of young inventers just rolled out a water-powered car that runs 4 hours on a gallon of water.This is exciting and warrants world attention! They may have just enlightened the world like Tesla did back in the late 19th century! They may have proven the world 's nation 's leaders ' fear mongoring as a falsehood they have preached as truth upon us. These leaders are of greed and power, and are dishonest at every opportunity. Be not misled by these minions of satan! Rise above them to establish a right moral consortium. Imprison the liars and thiefs!

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