
Which cat should I put up for Adoption? Why?

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I have two cats who came from the same litter. They are both 1 years old . The problem I'm having is with the gray cat (Pixie). I've taken her to the vet and he said she checked out fine but needs to gain more weight. My other cat (Tinkerbell) is rather on the heavy side. Here's a list of pros and cons about both cats.


She's very playful and energetic.

She doesn't like to be held much. When I do, she has a tendency to leap off my chest.

She's very efficient with the litter box covering her business once she's done.

Doesn't eat when Tinkerbell is around. If I put her in another room locking the door with food, she's still afraid to eat.

She gets scared easily.


Lazy when it comes to playing and loves to stand in Pixies way when I play with her.

Very possessive over food. She finishes her food then eats Pixies food.

She also growls aggressively at her when she's eating.

Any time I try to feed Pixie separately, she comes pushing herself in.

Always runs after using the litter box, leaving her poo to stink up the place.

On the brighter side she is an affectionate cat towards me. She's easy to hold and cuddle.

I understand there is some kind of rivalry and jealousy between the two. I just cannot tolerate the fact that Pixie is so skinny. I can feel her bones. The vets solution was to feed them separately but it doesn't work. Pixie is always eating in fear. The best solution is to give one of them up for adoption. I've been so torn between the two. I would really appreciate all the input and sorry for making this so long.




  1. The solution is very easy here. Get both cats on a good, high quality diet. Feed Pixie in a separate room with the door closed. There is no reason to get rid of one these cats.  Please be aware also that most no kill shelters do not take pets from individuals. They save their space for pets who are in kill pounds and in danger of being put down. It's still kitten season and will be for a couple more months. During this time, shelters are full of kittens and the kill rate is very high. Owner surrendered pets will be put down before strays. During kitten season, it's near impossible to find a home for a cat over a year old or even over 6 months old for that matter.  If you really want to rehome one of them, get with a local shelter to see if they would allow you to post the cat on their website. Let the cat stay in your home until a new home is found.

  2. I have two males that were litter mates, their fourteen now but it did seem to me that they had a pecking order worked out between themselves - Charlie got his food first- Moatz- his brother would eat later - they eat sitting next to each other now, but I believe that they retain that "fight" for mother's milk for a while- I would feed Charlie first and then Moatz felt comfortable with eating- it did work itself out- also- I found that it helped to feed them at the same time but in different spots where they can see each other-  feed Tinker first and then while you are standing there give Pixie her food- have Tinker eating so that she's occupied while you give Pixie her food.  Stand nearby with a spray bottle and squirt her if she tries to come near Pixie- you will only have to do this for a while cause cats learn fast - after the first couple times all you will have to do is reach for the bottle and  Tinker will likey retreat- be standing by while they eat or feed them where you can see them - the water bottle works wonders- do try it- also, many cats are tiney- I have a cat that is six pounds and one that is five pounds- they seem to look thinner during the summer months cause they lose thier winter coats- good luck- try to keep them though- there are too few homes out there for cats right now- also- are they fixed?  If they are not then there will be an additional hurdle for you to oversee -  the sense of territory is stronger.  

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