
Which causes do you value more? The environment, medical cures, or community suport?

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I want to do some community work and I want it to be effective. I'm debating between raising money for the environment, funding for a cure, or donating to a local organization in need. Which needs it more?




  1. Researching for a cure.

    Our drug companies make millions and do not want to cure people. If they did they would go out of business.

    Put your efforts toward trying to find real cures. This will take more of your time than money. Search on the Internet countries around the world who are healthier  than ours and seek what they use in absence of drug companies. If you check the world health list you will find our good ole drug companies haven't helped us much. (The USA is way down the list) (And other countries eat like we do too).

    PS: There is a web site for healthist countries. I'll have to fined it again and see if we have moved up any.

  2. That's great that you want to help other organizations. If I were you, I would raise the money and split it equally between all of them. It's not about who needs it more, but that we gotta help all of them. All of them are equally important and we gotta help each of them. Post some more info about the fundraiser, I would love to contribute to it!

    Good Luck!!!! :)

  3. I think funding for a medical cure is a good idea.

    That's very generous of you.

  4. Medical Cures.

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