
Which causes more pollution?

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Which causes more pollution an airplane or a boat/ship

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  1. the livestock industry is right up there - Animal based agriculture contributes 18% more greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere then ALL forms of transportation put together.

  2. Every airplane is equipped with several engines that are burning fuels and emitting exhaust fumes. Most of the exhaust is water vapor, which quickly turns to ice crystals in the upper atmosphere. This exhaust can be seen as contrails or line clouds formed behind the airplane as it flies overhead. Aircraft engines emit carbon particles, sulfur dioxides, and oxides of nitrogen. Carbon monoxide emitted from planes accounts for ~3% of the planet-wide total of this pollutant. The quantity of pollutants emitted changes each time the plane is flown, since aircraft performance changes with pressure and temperature, therefore measurements of pollution aren't easily made.

    Over 10 million marine engines are operated in the United States. These marine engines are among the highest contributors of hydrocarbons (HC) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions in many areas of the country. HC and NOx produce ground-level ozone, which irritates the respiratory system causing chest pain and lung inflammation. Ozone can also aggravate existing respiratory conditions such as asthma. Boaters can join many others who are working to make a difference in preventing pollution from marine engines.

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