
Which celebrity would you like to throw out of the boat, whilst meandering in crocodile-infested waters?

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I shall nominate one J Clarkson esq.




  1. i think we're gonna need a bigger boat.

  2. I can only pick one? Dang, cause I have a long list. At the top would be Britney Spears. I mean who really gives a care if she's shopping or driving or what. I mean, half of the those celebrity shows are just her doing normal everyday things. Who cares! Plus she's an unfit parent and completely crazy.

  3. Paris Hilton, Worthless S****y moon faced, no talent Bimbo.

  4. Here's a list:

    Graeme Norton

    Cliff Richard

    David Caruso

    Victoria Beckham

    Dale Winton

    The woman who is Gail in Coronation St (looks like ET)

    The entire cast of Eastenders

    James Blunt

  5. Paris Hilton for being a complete and total waste of time for anyone who endures her.

  6. Paris Hilton

    Nothing but an oxygen thief

  7. Hanoi Jane (Jane Fonda)!!!!

  8. bruce forsyth

  9. pete docherty      should be in jail but as we all know money talks with the british judicial system

  10. Rosie O Donell

  11. Ellen Degeneres

  12. miley cyrus..for being in little girls' bathrooms...bedrooms..backpacks..and AHHHH!!! shez everywhere!

  13. Tom Cruise

  14. Naomi Campbell. For being such a bi*ch.

  15. Jordan.  Not only do we have to suffer her (and wots his names) drivel on every front page, but she also chalks up reality TV shows, Talk shows and NOW a childrens book!  Wots this book to be called...How to be a baby bimbo queen?

    feed her to the crocs, though they might have a job trying to eat her underwater....she probably wouldnt sink!

  16. Arnold Swarchinager

  17. Kerry Katona without a second thought

  18. just one?Diane Sawyer

  19. Jade Goody, she make me ashamed to say I'm British

  20. I would vote for Angelina Jolee (I think that's how you spell it) for taking Brad Pitt off Jen A. X

  21. I can only choose one?  But, but.... there are just soooo many!

  22. Throw him out Bill!!  he is my most irritating so called "Celeb" ever - I HATE him - the patronising, stupid, nauseating boy racer - Make sure Im there to see the crocs sweetie! x*x ARRGGH I HATE HIM!! Grrrr Sorry - loss of control there!! :oP xxxxx

  23. John McCriddick!

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