
Which celebs did you cry for when they died?

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I cried for Heath Ledger.




  1. crocodile hunter !

  2. Mister Rogers. A man who had the purity of mind children are known for.

  3. Anna Nicole Smith. She may not have been the best person ever, but I was sad because she had a child, and had lost so much in her life already, and it was just a sad thing really.

    Poor child will grow up to not know his mother, and that made me cry.

    I also cried for Heath Ledger and Casey Calvert. They were both so young and talented!

  4. if they die they die...............

  5. When it comes down to it, they're just ordinary folk like you and I.

    They live - they die !

    I'm only likely to cry for someone I know well - or with whom I have had a good relationship.

    Celebrities, as such, mean nothing to me !

  6. None why  should I  - they won't cry for me when I die.

  7. none

    why cry over someone you never actually knew?

  8. None, I`d never cry over a celebrity, why would you cry over someone you don`t know personally.........

  9. As for Heath Ledger, while it was sad, he brought it on himself with drugs. I was very sad when Morton Downey Jr. (not Robert) died a few years ago though, because he was more than a celebrity to me; he came regularly to where I worked, I was getting to know him. He was a good guy.

  10. Elvis got a tear from me.

  11. I totally agree i cried for mark how could they put smart back on and the new bloke they have is S**T !!!

  12. princess Di , Aaliyah, Freddie Murcury.

  13. I have never cried for a dead celebrity. I was quite affected though by the death of Joe Strummer (The Clash for those who dont know). That was a sad day for us down the pub

  14. John Lennon and Freddie Mercury.

    It isn't a question of 'not knowing them', as others have said.

    Their music played a big part in my life and I miss that as well as the people who made it.

  15. aaliyah

  16. I haven't cried for any celeb.

    How can I cry for someone I never even knew?

  17. None. I didn't know them personally so their death doesn't affect me in any way.

  18. Freddie Mercury

    Benjamin Orr

    Princess Diana

    John Candy

  19. None, its not like i knew them personally

  20. I don't know any of them personally so i've not cried for any 'celebrity' death.

  21. the queen mother.

  22. Diana

  23. Elvis - but I was only 17 and didn't know any better !

  24. I cried after I found out Bob Marley was dead.

    And I mourned Lynard Skynard's lead singer after I head he had died about 20 years ago.

  25. None

  26. heath ledger me too :[ ...btw he was so great in the dark knight

  27. Steve Irwin, it was soooo sad, i've been to Australia Zoo and he did so much for the animals there.

    Sad too for his wife and children.

  28. None. I don't think theres anyone I'd cry for really.

    My Mum cried when Princess Di died though.

  29. Steve Irwin,Diana,Belinda Emmett (Aussie actress) and Heath being a West Aussie girl it broke my heart that he left us so young.

  30. None.

    I don't celebrate people and don't cry at their passing.

  31. Princess Diana.

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