
Which cells in your body are the most sensitive?

by Guest32098  |  earlier

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which cells die easiest




  1. Sorry. Not sure. I don't think there's a cell that will die the easiest.

  2. I think its skin cells because we are contantly shedding them. Every year we lose 4kg of dead skin cells, which need to be constantly replaced.

  3. Nerve Cells? Rods and cones in the eye... are they the same thing perhaps

    Activation of a single molecule of rhodopsin, the photosensitive pigment in rods, can lead to a large reaction in the cell because the signal is amplified. Once activated, rhodopsin can activate hundreds of transducin molecules, each of which in turn activate a phosphodiesterase molecule, which can break down over a thousand cGMP molecules per second.[1] Thus rods can have a large response to a small amount of light.

    As the retinal component of rhodopsin is derived from vitamin A, a deficiency of vitamin A causes a deficit in the pigment needed by rod cells. Consequently, fewer rod cells are able to sufficiently respond in darker conditions, and as the cone cells are poorly adapted for sight in the dark, blindness can result. This is night-blindness.

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