
Which cement do i use?

by Guest59552  |  earlier

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I got a metal pole and i want to use it for a washing line but what is the best cement to buy so i can cement it in to the ground and also how deep and how wide have the hole got to be.




  1. Concrete is what you want,Cement is not strong enough.Dig hole 2 feet deep 1 foot wide,Knock pole in fill  with concrete allow to dry,One week before use.

  2. the width is important, it acts like a foot, make it about 24" sq. and 12 deep......just ask for concrete ready mix at lowes or like store.......

    li. gen. contractor

  3. Go to B&Q and they sell ready mixed cement specifically for setting posts etc., all you have to do is add water and mix.

  4. Buy a bag of "Postcrete" it is a quick setting concrete specially made for posts. make the hole about 18 inches deep so it is as tight a fit as possible around the post.

    Use s spirit level to make sure it is upright on both sides.

  5. Any lumber store sells bags of cement. Just get the ready mix you add water to. The hole just needs to be a bit wider than the pole. Depending on how high you want your wash line to be will determine the depth unless you can cut it off. Get it at around 2 feet  deep if can. It will be good and sturdy.

  6. buy concrete mix and dig your hole about a foot around ...if you live where you get deep freezes dig about 30 in. deep and fill it and plant your pole...

  7. hellow as some one said you can use post create, whitch is your best option. as for size, for a washing line,only needs to be 6 to 8 "  deep and 2"  wide i.e if your pole is say 2" your width should be 4" hope that help's.
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