
Which channel do you watch Motogp on - eurosport or bbc & why?

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Personally, in our house, we prefer eurosport as Julian and Toby make it a bit more exciting than the guys at bbc do and they also seem a bit more knowledgable - although we do flick over during eurosports (really) long ad breaks.




  1. I watch Eurosport because I don't really have a choice :) I don't catch the bbc chanel so... The guys on the Bulgarian Eurosport are not so good and they often mix the riders names which is a bit annoying and of course the long breaks are driving me crazy :)

  2. I used to watch it on Eurosport, but I think SKY is such a rip off when its all I want to on there service.

    The BBC coverage is SHlTE as they dont even bother with the 125 & 250 races. These are somtimes the best races !!

    I choose to watch it on the Motogp dot com website.

    The service is fantastic & its a truck load cheaper then SKY.

  3. I watch it on eurosport but like you switch it over during the break to RTE  as Eddie Laycock is one off the commentator,s and as he use to race in the 500 GP,s know,s what he talking about.

  4. We always watch Moto GP on Eurosport because we love Toby and Julians commentary. Not only is it very informative but sometimes highly amusing.

         Once or twice we have seen BBC coverage but I can't stand Jack Burnacles voice. I always want him to clear his throat and he never makes it sound as exciting as T & J. (sorry Jack!)

  5. I'm like the majority of people that have already answered. Its Eurosport, then flick over to the beeb during the ads. The ad breaks are really annoying and badly timed. Something interesting nearly always happens!

    Toby, Julian and Randy are far more entertaining than Cox and Parish. (Although I have to agree with other answerers, that Suzie Perry makes it bearable to watch the beeb........Phwooorr!)

    Incidentally, for anyone out there who prefers bbc 2, you can watch the 125's and 250's if you have digital TV, using bbci......just press the red button.

  6. Hey Cheryl,

    We watch the bulk of it on Eurosport - then the main race and interactive on the beeb - sometimes we have the live timing up on the laptop at the same time (not that we're compulsive - we do stop for tea/beer!)

    Like you I like the Julian/Toby and Randy commentary - and add in the mad Witham for BSB - that's funny stuff!



    Fell asleep too (about sixth lap I think) Bruv. said I must have been half awake as I was muttering "run out of petrol" which he tells me the dukes did on the wind down lap! Glad I didn't miss much!

  7. I watch BBC as I already pay for the channel (via the TV liscence) and would not send good money to Sky for their shite service.

    Also there is the very s**y Suzi Perry on the Beeb

  8. Its just the ads that put me off euro sport, plus i have a thing for Suzi perry :-)

  9. BBC its free

  10. I don't like ads on Eurosport but it gets my vote for Julian Ryder, Toby Moody and Randy Mamola, a brilliant team.

    neilggi : thanks didn't know that about BBC digital.

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