
Which charity do you think is better?

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someone that give his/her charity to one needed family and makes a big impact for that family? or the other who give same amount but distribute it into many families, so the impact is less but spread out to different people?




  1. I think giving to one family because if you can help a family out enough that it makes a big impact, then they will be very thankful for the charity.  Also, it might be enough that next year, they will be able to give charity.

    If someone receives just a little charity, it doesn't impact his life as much and he won't feel as thankful as the guy who received more, I think....

    If it were me, and someone gave me $1000 it would mean a lot more to me than if I received $100 and 9 other ppl also got $100.  $100 doesn't buy much at all, but you can really do a lot with $1000.

  2. ''the more the merrier''


  3. i think the distribution one is better because one cent can make differences in the lives of people. although it won't be a HUGE impact, you are helping more people rather than not helping a lot of people but helping one family like craazy.  

  4. well, so far a person give charity it is better!!

    it is more better to give it to the nearest person!!

  5. help poor;...

  6. I think giving to many families because you're helping alot of families.

  7. they both did good, i think the distribution one is better though.

  8. al aqraboona awwaloona bilma'aroof

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