
Which charity?

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I have to write a paper about a charity and the good it does. I was thinking WaterAid, which focuses their attention on buying and supplying clean water to poor countries Which one should I choose?




  1. I have to go with  They have an awesome rating on charity navigator.  But I love things that grow and this is the kind of thing that can shape the future of a childs life.  It sparks a learning process and has the potential to return so much more than just reading.  Good luck on the paper!

  2. Personally, my favorite charity is St. Jude Children's Research Hospital because it is run 100% on child is EVER turned away for an inability to pay...and some of their treatments have really made progress in the fight against different diseases.  My advice to you is find a charity./cause that you feel very passionately about...the paper will practically write itself.

  3. Check out The Hunger Project ( They are a really amazing and visionary organization who have a very different view of helping people from poor countries than the traditional "aid" approach. Over several decades, they have developed a methodology for going in and helping people in poor rural communities set up self-sustaining systems that bring them out of poverty. They have been very successful with this, and have done a tremendous lot with a relatively small amount of money.

    Also check out ( They are based on the microcredit concept ( where banks loan small amounts of money to poor people (more often women) in countries, and they use the loans to bring themselves out of poverty. This has become a very popular approach to really helping people--essentially, helping people help themselves. Kiva has developed this into an online system, where you can see the people who are requesting loans (they are vetted through local non-governmental organizations), and contribute as little as $25 towards their project.

    They may be wanting to buy a cow so they can sell the milk to make money, for example. Or, supplies to open a shoe repair shop. The possibilities are endless!
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