
Which charity would you select and what is the best cause to donate money too?

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I felt i would like to donate some money to the Burmese disaster, but i figured there were so many people suffering in the world and i'm this selfish first world brat worrying about the colour of my jeans.....i figured i've got to pay for my sinfull haughtiness and lustfullness........




  1. Local Churches.

  2. I like the Salvation Army. It deals with issues that are local to the donor. I believe that everywhere on this fine earth we need to clean up our own backyard first, then help others in different places. It's wrong to let the homeless guy starve in the cold right before your very eyes while you send funds to place where that government is going to syphon off the largest portion of relief to continue living like the Tzar's used to.

  3. Favorites are:   Catholic Charities, USO and Disabled American Veterans.  At Christmas time I include Toys for Tots

  4. I like to do person to person charity. One to one giving. I used to give to the big organizations (and still do from time to time) but I like to see EXACTLY how my money made an impact on someone's life. I get the satisfaction of an immediate change. Plus, I get to choose the person or family I am making the difference for.

  5. there are a lot of good causes right in your own back yard! i have been in financial trouble to the point of being homeless.(still am) my family of 4 lives on about 150.00 a week. if you wish to donate to help remember that your time can be donated also. but whatever you choose to do its nice that you care enough to help out. good karma for sure.

  6. Donate to a cause close to your heart.  If you have gone through hardships like being homeless or gone hungry, choose an organization that provides a home to the homeless (e.g. Habitat for Humanity) or Salvation Army.  If there's anyone closed to you who's a  cancer victim, look for an organization that gives support to cancer victims. For victims of war, there's Red Cross.

    You can choose to help a person directly or an organization that helps a particular cause.  Look around within your community.

    Looking beyond one's self-centeredness and reaching out to those in need is truly heart warming.  Good luck!

  7. American Cancer Society... Being a cancer survivor, I would like to see a cure for  ALL types of cancer.

  8. Think about what you really care about and direct your money to help a charity working in that area.  I think the charities in the UK have joined up to make best use of donations for the Burma appeal.

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