
Which chickens produce the biggest best quality eggs?

by Guest57686  |  earlier

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We're looking to get chickens but need to know which ones are best, we've looked at Rhode Island Reds but are there any other good ones? We don't care about meat quality just eggs sizes




  1. RIR are the meanest chickens out there, I would not get them.  Do you want brown or white eggs? Do you want them to be pets too, or just strictly for eggs?

    White Leghorns are very prolific layers of large white eggs. They are used by the commercial companies to produce the eggs in stores. However, the are very flighty and avoid human contact.

    Delawares are very calm and friendly, they lay large brown eggs and are good winter layers. They lay many eggs, but not quite the amout Leghorns do.

    You should also look into a couple of ducks. I can speak from experience that they lay HUGE eggs compared to chickens and lay everyday of the spring and summer. Plus they are alot of fun.  

  2. When your hens start to lay the eggs will be small since the hen will be as well But as she grows so does the egg so have to give them time to grow and diet plays a big part of the chickens life I hope you plan on haveing Free range chickens as well much healither and happy.

    Brown layers (eggs)

    New hampsire

    Rhode island Reds

    Buff Orpington

    Golden Comet

    Black Australorp

    Barred Rock

    White Rock

    White laters (eggs)

    Brown leghorn

    White leghorn


    For more info on any of these breeds look up hatcherys they give great info  I have had all  these breeds at one time or another and still have some now great egg producers as long as healthy and happy.

  3. Egg quality usually depends on food quality.  Ground oyster shell makes egg shells less brittle and thin.  Good quality grain and laying pellets make better eggs.  If you want really orange yolks, let them free range during the day.  If you want a certain breed or would like to learn more about chickens, check out Strombergs or Murray McMurray hatcheries.  They also have books to teach about raising chickens.

  4. I would suggest getting some s*x-Link hens.You can get either black or red.I prefer the Red s*x-Link,just because I think they are prettier.But both colors lay really well and have large eggs.I have had some so large that my carton would not shut.As far as quality that all depends on the feed and care given to the hens.

    You should give them a good laying mash that has everything that they will need to produce quality eggs.

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