
Which cities will be affected because of global warming?Because of hot weather in karachi i have fear?

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----------------- Because of global warming after 50 to 100 years

which pakistani and indian cities will be affected?Tell me

top 50 cities names which can be affected because of

global warming.As karachi has very hot and dry weather not

rainy or cold that's mean karachi will be very affected i think

if this hot continues in karachi than it could be affected before

50 years.





  1. All the cities particularly those which are situated near the sea shore will be affected as mean sea level is likely to rise by half metre by 2100.Global mean tremperature is also likely to rise by 2 degrees celcius by 2100.There will be an increase in what is known as 'extreme weather events',like deserts becoming more hotter.Increase in rainfall,floods and occurance of hurricanes is possible.

  2. all cities will be affected by global warming, in different ways to differing degrees.  its hard to predict, but it's thought cities like karachi will probably become hotter and more desert like, coastal cities will be liable to flooding, and cities in temperate regions may become wetter or even colder because of the effect of global warming on wind patterns.

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