
Which city do you like best? Milan or Rome?

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and why do you like it bestt?




  1. I lived and worked in Milan for many years.... the traffic was the worst thing I can remember. I have been told that Rome isn't any better though.

    Milan is a great place to work and to party. It's geographical position is ideal for day tips to the sea and even to the pre-Alps for a day of skiing. The city has great concerts (of all kinds), good theater, and the museums aren’t bad either.

    I’ve been to Rome no more than a dozen times – for work and vacation. The city has everything Milan has to offer and more – I feel that Rome is more Italian than Milan is and so... I prefer Rome. I would rather live in and raise children in Rome rather than Milan.

    PS - Milan is not the shopping capital of Italy. I beg to differ. Rome has the same designer shops as Milan but it’s where you'll find the better bargains!

  2. As a freelance.. I go for both. It depends on what you really like in a place. Rome to visit and Milan to stay and shopping. <*-*>

  3. Rome, because Milan really pisses me off in the video games I play

  4. RoMeEeEeEe!!!! I love this city...also because I live in romeEeEeE!it's modern and historic!Milan is....sad!rome is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bye...a kisssssssss!!!!

    (sorry for the bad english but I'm italian)....


  5. They are both nice, but I was disappointed by Rome.  The authorities have done nothing about the gangs of criminal kids stealing from tourists, and the public transportation is a disgrace.  The Vatican in Rome was very impressive, but it is technically a separate country.

  6. Milan

    B/c I'm into fashion and there is so much going on there in the fashion world.  Rome is nice if you want to walk around museums and see great architecture, but Milan is more contemporary and has great night life!

  7. well i been to rome is okay but i recommend you to go to milan is  a better city with a good refreshing my favorite city is milan.

  8. milan....i love that city! wonderful!!

  9. I liked Milan better.

    Rome is very historical, but it was extremely hot and crowded. In Milan, it's pretty easy to get around and everything was really beautiful. The Duomo is amazing. If you like shopping, Milan is the best place to go, since it is the shopping capital of Italy.

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