
Which city has more attractive men? Milan OR Paris?

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If you were living in either of these 2 cities for 3 months, where would you most likely find sexier men roaming the streets? What would the majority of people say? Which culture of men would be more affectionate and attentive? On a Majority???? Opinions please :)




  1. i would pick california

  2. handsome and s**y are in the eye of the beholder.  how can we possibly know what the majority of people would say since we haven't conducted a poll?  and if you're going to choose where to live or visit based on which has the best/sexiest/most affectionate men . . . what CAN I say?  But since you insist, you'll find enough of the kind of man you like in either city if you give it time.

  3. hm... Italian men are nice, but i think they are a bit overrated... French men... nope. Give me another one ;o)

  4. I've been to both cities and I'm going to have to say Milan. This is only because I love Italy to death and I find Italians to be huge sweethearts and total gentlemen and to me that is just so s**y. (not that I don't like frenchmen, I just LOVE italians)

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