
Which city has more corruption, Gotham City or Washington D.C.?

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Which city has more corruption, Gotham City or Washington D.C.?




  1. Washington D.C.

    I get your sentiment...but it's really not fair, it reduces the significance of real corruption to make such a comparison.

    A guy that embezzles a nickel is much worse than "the joker", because the joker is fictional.

  2. The Joker + Gotham City = Batman to the Rescue


    Answer mine?;...

  3. heres a picture of washington d.c at the white house.

    does tha answer your quest-ion

  4. GOTHAM!! Did you see that crazy *** joker?? Man heath ledger was too good in that movie!

  5. Considering one is actually real, D.C. is worse.

  6. Wash-ing-ton........all those Libs running around have really made it go down the drain.

  7. New Orleans, LA

    i.e. Sen. William Jefferson and his millions of laundered money stowed in his freezer. NOPD (prob the nations most corrupt police force).  Mayor Nagin and rest of the city council.

    sorry Bealte Fanatic.  But I think NOLA has D.C. beat in the crime dept.  Even with the decreased population since Katrina, NOLA is still ranks pretty high on violent crimes.

  8. Washington D.C.

    The one that has had a ban on guns for 32 years and it's still the most corrupt and violent city in the U.S. every year!

    Gives proof to the saying:

    If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns!

  9. In the movies or real-life The Secret Governmental RollerCoaster Rides of Washington win by a landslide..Gotham City just sounds corrupted added with someone like the joker,scary but not as scary as Washington..Btw there are a lot of jokers in Yahoo

  10. Gotham City all the way!

    Batman rocks!

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