
Which city has the best public schools for autistic children?

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Which city has the best public schools for autistic children?




  1. I've heard New York City has great schools for kids who have autism- not public but great private options.

  2. If you will check your large cities, you may find that the schools for autistic children is more readily available.

    Smaller cities as a rule will have maybe 1 or 2 schools if you are indeed that lucky, but I have found that this link may help you. Maybe not the answers to this question, but some you may face in the future.

  3. Most cities have several schools in their district, and some of them are going to be better than others for autistic children. Most districts have a placement specialist, who can help direct you to schools that are set up to handle special needs learners.

    I don't know about ALL of the public schools in the U.S., but can say that the North Colonie School District in Latham, NY (near Albany) does have one of the better programs for special education.

    You might also want to check out some resources such as the autism groups here on Yahoo...many of them are parents of autistic kids and I am sure can offer some insight no matter what state/city you are in.

  4. CA has wonderful services but the schools vary by district.  Western MA has strong educational programs, especially in the Chicopee/South Hadley/Amhearst areas.  I live in Montgomery Co  in MD and we have some wonderful programs in the schools (and the schools have strong relationships with several private schools as well) as well as some great transitional programs and some special programs and communitys for adults with developmental disorders.  I heard wonderful things about PA too.

  5. My 9 year old is autistic and her school is great at handling her. Any school in any city can be good. Where we are at they have a "helper" that comes into class with her and helps her if she needs it and keeps her on track. Just make sure you don't get into a school that wants to throw the child into a class all by them self, because that will do them no good and make an autistic child worse. I don't know where you live, but I live in Iowa and we have some pretty good schools here.

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