
Which city has the worst police force and why?

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Which city has the worst police force and why?




  1. hat do you men by worst.

    Worst as in Policing, corrution, or man power.

    if its corruption i would say the LAPD

  2. Dude is right. New Orleans has had to be investigated by the FBI...twice.

  3. In the U.S, that is generally considered to be New Orleans, massive corruption.

  4. Valdosta, GA.

  5. Henderson, NV (right next to las vegas)  Because they are always getting in trouble for shooting and killing people for no legitimate reason.  This has happened several times in that last couple years.  -Recently there was this Henderson cop who shot and killed this woman holding a knife.  -Unless she was a bad a** knife thrower, I'm pretty sure killing her was not the right move. This is just one of many killings.  -And they have the audacity to be calling my house asking for donations to their police fund.  Completely ridiculous.

  6. Most of what I see is the City Government more than the police departments. LAPD chases criminals for hours since they can't do the PIT manuver. SF cops arrest and the court turns them loose before the paperwork is finished.

  7. My small town WASPY evangelical suburb.  There's no crime whatsoever, so the police stroll the streets eating donuts and pulling over the one minority they can find.  

    If they can't find any minorities to harass, they usually pull over high school kids for miscellaneous non-crimes.  "Oh, you have 5 people in your backseat--ticket".  They also do "seatbelt checks" and give you tickets for not wearing your seatbelt.

  8. New Orleans, La. Corruption !

  9. Benton Harbor, MI

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