
Which city in Britain has the most friendliest people?

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which city do you think?




  1. I would say Liverpool.

  2. Anyplace in Ireland, Portugal, Italy ....  

  3. i think newquay! lived in the south all my life but i took a holiday down there and everyone i met was sooo lovely

  4. Cardiff

  5. Liverpool.

  6. Liverpudlians are the warmest friendliest most humorous in my experience - with Newcastle close behind.  Time was I would have argued in favour of London, especially the East side - but we lost our ID many moons ago due to mass immigration and few could nowadays identify a typical Londoner (or understand which language they were gabbling).

  7. Newcastle

  8. Of course - Newcastle

    All reet wor kid - nice ta meet yi

  9. pompey,as long as you come from pompey

  10. Belfast, we will always make you feel welcome!

  11. Barton

  12. The question is totally subjective. Unable to answer.

    The unfriendliest could be London, Glasgow or even Bradford. Just depends on who you come across doesn't it.

  13. Edinburgh.............anywhere NORTH of the border

  14. Leeds and i'm not a yorkshire lass

  15. All of Wales :P

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