
Which city in Canada?

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would be good to live in for a single 35 year old woman who lives to have fun and party which would have good job opportunities and not to expensive housing.




  1. I'd say three choices;

    Vancouver, Montreal or Toronto.  

  2. Montreal is the place to be if your on the hunt for fun and work. Housing is low.

  3. Montreal is known as the party city of Canada, and it has plenty of jobs available, with housing being not that expensive. You can get a decent clean apartment in parts of town for about $500-600 for a 3 1/2 or even a small 4 1/2 depending on the part of town. Or you can rent off-island and commute by train or bus. One thing is that you probably should understand and speak French if coming to Montreal.

    Toronto is another city with some good fun places to go, but you won't find a nice rentable place close to downtown, and so the commute may be much longer. But there are jobs there too, and you only need English.

    Alberta has lots of jobs, but good luck finding housing at any reasonable price, especially in Calgary, Edmonton or many of the northern cities.

    Vancouver supposedly has jobs and a decent public transit system, but costs are high, and I've heard of increasing violent crime rates and obvious drug use in some burroughs.

    My best suggestion would be to pick a few towns you are interested in, read their online newspapers to see what is being said about the town, and check the website for and idea of housing rental costs.

  4. No one has mentioned yet that the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan now have the fastest growing economies in Canada (better than Alberta and BC).

    Housing and renting is very cheap in Winnipeg compared to bigger centres and depending on what kind of job you are looking for you can get something pretty easily as unemployment is low. Winnipeg also has an active night life with lots of clubs and a great underground music scene. Also in the summer there is always at least one festival going on and often more. And if you enjoy getting outdoors to the beach or hiking/canoeing/etc these are all available within an hour of the city (including one of the top 10 freshwater beaches in the world).  
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