
Which city in canada is the nearest to the usa borders and best place to work/live?

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my fiance is an engineer and we want to emigrate to canada, i have family in the usa so want to be as close to the borders as possible so we can visit over the weekend (they live in michigan)...we would want to live in a city as thats what we are use to.




  1. Saulte Ste Marie just across the border fom Michigan. Less than 1 hour drive

  2. Toronto will be ideal.

  3. Most Canadians live within 100 miles of the US border.  Niagara Falls and Windsor in Ontario border cities in the United States.  Vancouver is only 25 miles from the US border.  Toronto and Montreal are also within a 2 hour drive of the US.

  4. niagra falls and toronto.

  5. Windsor is directly across form Detroit, they are separated by the Detroit river. Average Temps are for the spring 55-66f- 35-46 at night, Summer is 80-78f night 60f, Fall 71- 60 night 53-42, Winter is 32f night 19f. Population is 218, 473, though this seems small for Canada its not.Windsor is the 20th largest city in Canada. Toronto is about three hours away and has the population of about 2.5 million with about the same climate. There are several towns and cities in between.  You may find Toronto a better place to find work, there is several places to live around Toronto with public transportation making Toronto easily accessible. There are go trains and bus that do the route from select areas. This is another option you may want to research. The closest to Michgan is definitely Windsor though.


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