
Which city in the uk has the most violent reputation?

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which city in the uk has got lots of violence spilled on the streets i heard it was Greater Glasgow, Ive also been there in the barras market and i saw lots of gang clashes in the gorbals area and also my family went to govan in glasgow 1 time from newcaste and actually saw someone getting stabbed in the eye! Its also has the most attention for the media, please leave your idea's about this


list of glasgow documentrys




  1. Egad!  Our media are so eager to trumpet everything bad that happens on this side of the pond, it's refreshing to learn we're not the only sods laden with crooks, thieves, gang-bangers and all-around scoundrels.  Even our domestic version of the Holy City on the Hill - well, yes, in this case it's a valley - Salt Lake City is plagued with gang violence and is not far behind the so-called Murder Capitol of the Nation.  Tell y'what: if you're a betting man, I'll put Salt Lake City up against your Greater Glasgow for a year and see which one has the greatest number of arrests for assault during that period.  Ten pounds says it'll be Salt Lake City...

  2. i have seen this up close and personal,I used to live in Glasgow, and this is just a way of life on a lot of the council housing schemes, each one will defend their area against intruders, I have witnessed many a pitch battle between two or even 3 different gangs, proper going for each other, It's just the way it is up there unfortunately.

  3. London, Manchester, Birmingham  

  4. Yeah Glasgow. Still the same when the romans built Adrian's wall. Not even the Romans would take on the piks. they were to violent.

  5. dunney on the wold   a quiet little market town in lower buckinghamshire , only last week there was uproar when a member of the womens institute  was overcharged by 5p for a scone at the local fair   shocking

  6. Glasgow unfortunately

  7. I thought of Glasgow even before I read the text of the question.

  8. I lived in Manchester for a while. What a dump.

    Glasgow isn't much either.

  9. Yes the UK is becoming more and more like the USA everyday, the infection of Multi Cultureism is spreading

  10. ive been there before i heard it was, Manchester, Liverpool, Westham  

  11. the romans built the wall when they got to newcastle about 80 miles south of the sweaty socks so draw your own conclusions!.

  12. In spite of the fierce reputations of some of the northern cities, Glasgow, Manchester et al, your still much more likely to be a victim of violent crime in London.

    London 22/1000 crimes/population

    The rest <17/1000

  13. Come on give me a clue !

  14. Glagow I am sorry to say

  15. London is becoming pretty bad.

  16. Generally the more North you go, the worse it is.

  17. the crime capital turns out rather surprisingly to be Nottingham, but for violent crime, the only city that might challenge Glasgow (on a Saturday night at any rate) might be Newcastle.  They like their drink there!

  18. London has the highest crime figures.

  19. Your right,glasgow is the most violent city in europe not just the u.k london is second  

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