
Which city is a better place to visit? Quebec City or Ottawa???

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We are going on a trip in August to Montreal and Toronto...We also want to visit either Quebec City or Ottawa in btw, but we just have time for one of them!!! Which one is better for a visitor and has more attractions?




  1. Quebec city is a once in a life time city.  I did not have much time to visit Ottawa but I would say if you only have time for one go to Quebec City.

    The people are awesome, the sites are spectacular, (go see the water fall), the food is not plain old Canadian food.

  2. Ottawa.  Like many capital cities, it has lots of touristy things to do museums, government buildings and parks.

  3. Ottawa has great museums and Tucker's Market is a great place to eat. If you want to go to an original place for a stay, you can sleep in a jail (for real, they have an old hanging room and all!) For this, google Ottawa Jail Hostel. Don't get me wrong, Quebec City is great too, but it's more of a romantic kind of stay in Quebec City, whereas Ottawa has a lot of attractions and things to see. Plus, it's in between Toronto and Montreal, Quebec City is a good 2 hrs passed Montreal.

    Enjoy your trip and have a few steamies and a smoked meat sandwich while in Montreal!! BUT DON'T FORGET TO EAT A POUTINE (fries, gravy and curred cheese... the best)!!!

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