
Which city is better Rome or Venice?

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I am looking at going to Italy, and I have no idea which city I would love to visit in Italy. Both cities have equal interest to me, however I have heard that Venice stinks, but that will not bother me. I know that Rome has all the attractions like the Colosseum etc., but what does Venice have besides St. Marks Square? Is it equally beautiful has Rome? Which city is better?




  1. both city's are beautiful .i when on both.

  2. I just got back from Venice, I love it. Surprisingly there is actually a lot to see and do there. Although 4 days would do it for the main attractions you read in books. Venicians are very nice people and everrything is easy to find.

    If you do want to see both here is a good travel website:

    The plane tickets are usually like between 0-20 euro a piece. Yes 0, you still pay taxes. So you can see both!!

  3. Rome

  4. Both so beautiful , but without a doubt if I had to choose on defiantly Rome!


  6. prob rome because venice is on water..

  7. i like both of them.venice is really beautiful and romantic,but rome is also very attractive.i like the streets in rome,you can ride a scooter to travel around the city

  8. venice <333

  9. I lived in rome for 5 years and Ive been to Venice a few times. Both cities are beautiful, but Rome has alot more to see and is easier to get around and the people are more open and friendler, north Italy is more reserved.

    Dont get me wrong Venice is beautiful but in Rome you can let your hair down and be free...

  10. I'm from Milan and I love Rome but this year I went to Venice and I think it's better!!

  11. i love both, but i love rome more. venice is more unique because it's on water, but rome has a lot more to do. here are two websites for each city:

  12. ROMAAA

  13. I liked both, but I have more of a preference to Venice. The reason is they have tons of shops, and thats where I bought my gifts and souvenoires. Also I got to see a glass blowing demonstration, of how they make glass into vases and jewellery which was cool. I end up buying a vase and glass ring which I love! I got to do a gandala ride and the guy actually sang for us which was alot of fun.

    Rome was good bc of the Vatican City, Sistine Chapel, Catacombs, Pantheon, Colleseum, and the Spanish Steps.

    It really depends on your preference. What about Florence? I loved Florence, hands down my favorite city. The views are spectacular, just really beautiful sceneries. You can go the Academia Galleria, Uffizi Museum, Piazza Del Duomo, and Battistero di San Giovanni.

  14. Rome! By all means, Rome. Not only is it one of the oldest still existing cities in the world, it has a history to unmatch any other.

  15. ROME! I was just there a week ago for vacation and it was absolutely breathtaking!

    I suggest seeing: The Spanish Steps, The Trevi Fountain, The Colosseum, and Saint Peter's Square.

    Rome is a must!!!

  16. probably rome because there's more stuff to do there. but if i were you i wouldnt go to either fo them. i would go to florence or sicily.

  17. They are 2 different cities, I prefer Rome.

  18. If you can see both, do it! Venice would be my choice if I had to choose...yes Rome has tons of major attractions and would be the "New York" of things to do in Italy...but Venice is just positively unique even amongst other Italian cities. No scooters, cars, taxis or even bicycles are present in Venice as everybody either walks or uses the canals to travel by boat, so that would be something to consider if walking is not easy for you to do. I was in Venice in May and June several years ago and did not encounter the "smell" you speak of...which can occur if water levels in the canals are low. Basically, there is nowhere in Italy that isn't worth visiting at least once!

  19. moto bene venicia, i visited rome and venice for the whole alst summer, venice is much smaller and frendlier, trust me, romans r jerks...

  20. Rome is better than Venice.

    Venice is perfect for a romantic travel, a very nice town but if you want to know Italy and the Italian people you have to come to Rome.

    Rome is very big and very beatiful.

    I hope you can love Italy


  21. Of all Italy's historic cities, it's perhaps Rome which exerts the most compelling fascination. There's more to see here than in any other city in the world, with the relics of over two thousand years of inhabitation packed into its sprawling urban area. You could spend a month here and still only scratch the surface. As a historic place, it is special enough; as a contemporary European capital, it is utterly unique.

  22. The answer is that you should go to both, some day.  This time , go to Venice.  You have to go there once.  It is like no other Italian city.  There is the Doge's Palace, shopping, out-of-this world food and wine, beautiful people to watch, the canals, the churches, the different squares, music in churches, the opera.  One could go on and on.

    Rome has more.  It will take several visits.

  23. Rome:)

  24. i live in vicenza and ive been to venice plenty of times while ive only been to rome 2x cuz its farther south. and i would have to say rome beacuse i get sea sick very easily. but if you dont get sea sick then its up to you. if you go to venice you can see how the make their glass and it realy is beautiful. but i would have to reccoment rome. rome is beautiful and very old and there is a lot to see there! it takes about 3 days to realy see rome i think.


    watch out for how they drive in italy.... just trust me... =]

  25. venice!!!!!!! it is so cool and unique-not like any other city in the world!!! i recently went to venice and rome recently-venice is WAY more beatiful than venice other attractions are san goergio and there are tons of churches besides st. marks, great shopping, gondelas, great musems (like the doges palace! that was cool), it is way more unique cause there is water everywhere! it is way cooler truuuuust me

  26. I love both!!!

    Rome is wonderful in the way that every major city is: restaurants, sightseeing, history, nightlife, etc.. Venice is an incredibly romantic city, very quiet and moody! It's a very mysterious city with lots of tiny little spaces and places. No real nightlife, no major sightseeing (unless you are an art history weenie like me!). It really depends on what you are interested in. I always enjoy doing Rome first for a few days, then grabbing a late (overnight) train up to Venice (saves you on hotel room!). The train will let you off in venice just in time for a gorgeous sunrise over the Grand Canal. You'll fall in love....  :)  It's a nice quiet ending to a trip (no cars/traffic!) and leaves you feeling calm and refreshed. As far as the smell goes: I have been to Venice in pretty close to every month of the year (including the hot summers) and have NEVER noticed a smell. ; ) It may simply be one of those: if you look for a flaw, you'll find it, but if you go with an open mind-you'll love every minute of it. Have a great time!!!

  27. It depends on how many days you can stay there : you can visit Venice in a couple of days and, with an extra day, visit the three little islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello on a one-day trip. On the other hand, you may need one week to visit Rome and all its "treasures". I loved both cities even though in a different way.

  28. I read a book about Venice and heard it was nice there. It is by a sea.  Rome is OK. Hope you enjoy the one you pick.

  29. ROME!! ive been to both.

  30. Rome in Spring and Fall, and Venice in Summertime.

  31. Rome is much better. Venice can be done in a day or two if you stretch it out. There isn't much variety in Venice. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful and worth visiting but not for a whole trip. Rome, on the other hand, is incredible. I lived there for 4 months and didn't manage to see all that I wanted to. It has a ridiculous amount of things to do and see (and eat)!

    Good luck and enjoy!!

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