
Which city is university of huddersfield in?

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what do you think about university of huddersfield




  1. It's In Huddersfield ... Huddersfield it self is not the best of placesbut it's not horrible, but the univeristy has just had a lot of money invested into it and it's been refurbished and had new buildings built, and it's a nice new modern univeristy.

    a few people may regard it as not being a good uni because it's not one of the well known one's from a big city, but the teaching standards are ranked quite high comapred to other universities

    it's also been ranked the best new university for student satisfaction

    and the Chancellor is Patrick Stewart, so there always the chance of seeing a celebrity about

    i'm just about to go into the last year of a course at Huddersfield, and i think it's a good uni, and i've enjoyed my time there. however i don't live in Huddersfield and commute there everyday, so i can't tell you what it's like to live in the student accomdation within Hudds.

  2. aberystwyth

  3. considering you dont know which city the university of huddersield is in and then in the next sentence you ask about huddersfield,i would seriously think about whether a university course is for you.

    anyway its in huddersfield and the city is a dump

  4. It's in Huddersfield.

    There's a clue in the name.

  5. It's in the town of Huddersfield in West Yorkshire. I have to disagree with Glen. The town is not a dump - it is one of the better towns in the area and has a buzz about it. There are plenty of amenities.

    As for the University itself, it has always been ambitious even when it was a polytechnic when I was there a couple of decades ago. The facilities are modern and the standard high. Well worth going to.

    Hope that assists. Good luck

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