
Which city of mexico is more dangerous?

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Which city of mexico is more dangerous?




  1. Juarez,chih

  2. Not any more dangerous than other big busy world cities. Traveling always exposes one to risk be really safe, stay home.Note, there are no roadside bombs in Mexico.


  4. I think that the answer depends on who you are and what you are doing in that city.  

    In terms of drug-related violence, I'd say the hot spots right now are Ciudad Juarez (Chihuahua), Culiacan (Sinaloa), and Tijuana (Baja California).  If you are involved in drugs or are a police officer, those would be dangerous places for you.

    Mexico City is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, or as it was ten years ago.  The danger one encounters there is usually theft and perhaps assault if you're in the wrong neighborhood at the wrong time.  Mexico City is swarming with police from so many different agencies that it's hard to keep them straight, so it's pretty hard to feel very unsafe there if you don't wander into the more unsavory, non-touristy areas.

    Tourist areas across Mexico are generally not very dangerous.  Yes, you'll hear of killings (again, usually drug-related) in places like Cancun, Mazatlan and Rosarito, but they aren't targeted at tourists.  

    Unfortunately, the drug violence is running rampant along the routes from Central America up to the U.S. border, so violence in Chiapas, Oaxaca, Michoacan, Sinaloa, Sonora and Baja California has definitely increased.  With the exception of Culiacan, though, the rates of violence are usually higher in the cities close to the U.S. border.

    Again, it all depends on who you are and what you are doing in Mexico.  If you're the typical American going to a tourist destination, the greatest danger you'll likely face is getting overcharged at a curio shop.


  5. I agree, it's highly relative on what kind of dumb things you'd be prone to do.

    I live in Mexico City and I've never been mugged (I do know people who have been mugged, but most of the times it was because they did stupid things). It's like any other major city.

    I've been to a handful of other minor mexican cities and have always felt safe. Never had problems in Acapulco for instance and the worst that had happened to me in Manzanillo was that I got real sick eating lasagna at a restaurant.

    Avoid bad neighborhoods, don't do stupid things like walking in a dark alley at night and such. Oh, and never enfuriate the pueblo if you're going to a rural community.

  6. Mexico city, deffonately

  7. That's like saying which city is more dangerous....New Orleans, Chicago, Los Angeles or New York.

    It's all relative.

    Use common sense, be aware of your surroundings, don't do stupid things. Use the same care and attention to surroundings and people as you would in Madrid, Melbourne, London or Berlin.

    Lots of folks travel to various Mexican cities. Most have no problems, incidents or issues. A few are either extremely unlucky or just plain stupid.

  8. Mexico city and Tijuana are the most dangerous cities in the world for kidnappings and Ciudad Juarez which is another Mexican city is ranked as the most crime ridden city in the world. Guadalajara another Mexican city has a very high murder rate of 95 per 100,000 aswell.

    However this will vary over time and will also depend on factors like the methods used to conduct the surveys or how the information was gathered and by whom..

    And anyway, personally I think Johannesburg (RSA) or San Salvador is more crime ridden.

  9. Please ignore the above answers, they are not reliable. Mexico City and Guadalajara have hundreds of tourists coming in every day . Tourist areas are not dangerous and most of people is really friendly to foreigners. Remember both are BIG cities and as in ANY city this size there are a few rotten apples. Border towns are more dangerous because of the drug related gangs operating there, but still, tourists are not usually the targets of these criminals. Mexico is a big country and you should get more information on a particular destination to make up your mind. Don't seek for advise from people that have never been there.

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