
Which city town in British Columbia is the safest?

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I'm planning to move to a little town or city outside of Vancouver to get away from all the crime. Could you provide me with the best place to live within BC excluding Vancouver and Greater Vancouver (Burnaby, New West Minister, North Vancouver, etc)? It can be in a little farming town or anywhere tiny.





  1. What nonsense. I've lived and worked in and around Vancouver, travelled all over BC by myself for the last 35 years. I have parked a truck full of tools often in downtown Vancouver. In all that time, the following crimes have been committed against my property:  a tool box was taken from an unlocked car parked on a street; someone broke into the canopy of my truck and took part of a vacuum cleaner; someone tossed a rock which chipped a windshield, and someone threw a rock through a window of my house. Three of those things happened in the late 70s, the other in about 1999. That's all. No one I know has ever had their house broken into or been assaulted.

    But you obviously have your mind made up already about the safety of BC so why bother asking the question? You aren't going to listen to the answers anyway. There's crime everywhere, even in little farming communities. Whether you become a victim of it or not has a great deal to do with how you live, who you know, and how much common sense you use.

  2. I only been as far as the airport in vancouer come on a cruise ship nice ports, airport nise too.

  3. I'd say Victoria.

    Because it's completely populated with old people.

    But they just recently had a drive-by shooting (the first in about 30 years)

    My town is VERY safe.  The biggest crime here is Vandalism from teenagers who are bored to h**l of this shithole and decide to tip some mailboxes.  There has been 1 shooting - it happened over a drunken dispute about doggie doo-doo in the trailer park.  I've lived here 12 years and have yet to meet anyone whose town has been burgled.

    I've left my car unlocked with the keys in the ignition overnight - I've slept with my front (and deck-acess bedroom) door open (not just unlocked) all night long.  

    It's safe. Safe like a straightjacket.  Boring as h**l.

    Pretty much almost any town on the Island with the exception of Naniamo is a safe bet.  And Duncan.  Don't do Duncan.  Coombs, Parksville, Comox, Cobble Hill, Shawnigan, Maple Bay.  Endless possibilities.

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