
Which city would you rather visit? Sydney Australia or Toronto Canada?

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  1. Sydney, Australia

  2. sydney, cause you can meet a kangaroo. plus toronto is just like a normal city like Atlanta.

  3. DEF Australia its soo beautiful there

  4. Sydney, Australia, .......Canada is more like America's hat

  5. sydney, beautiful place mate

  6. tough choice...But I would venture to Sydney. Never been there and the climate is more suitable to me

  7. Sydney

  8. I would visit sydney australia because it's closer to the town i currently live :D. I just dont like long journeys so i chose sydney

  9. Sydney Australia 'cause i never heard of a city called like that wow i think i am going there this summmer almost there i better get my tickets hahaLOL

  10. Sydney - I grew up near Toronto and it's great, but I'd want to go somewhere different.

  11. Sydney, to see gorgeous beaches and the great barrier reef

  12. Toronto, Canada because I live near Canada (I live in Buffalo, NY) but I'm only there to study and I hardly get a vacation so I would go there. Plus, many people go there from my school for research and fun and they say its great there =)

  13. Sydney, Australia!

    I would rather visit Sydney, because I would rather venture into a new continent, and new country. I live in Canada, so it wouldn't be a BIG BIG different experience. But traveling to a whole new continent, would feel so awesome! Seeing all the people with cool accents and possible a kangaroo seems surreal to me.

  14. Sydney Australia

  15. Australia becaue i have seen the people and talked to some of them and i like them and the crocodile man that passed i lvoed those shows and the people are so warm but in canada that is another place where montrea is and other places are very unfriendly and hate american.s

  16. Well, I live in Canada, so I guess Sydney, it's farther.

    But like.. I was recently told to stop travelling, since I am moving to France and all, and that I should explore all of Canada first, and I've never been to Toronto.

  17. Sydney of course!

    Heres a pic

  18. I was in Canada in 2002 and would have to say that Toronto was the only flat spot in the trip. I found it a very uninspiring place.

    But then again Sydney is very special

  19. Toronto, cause they have the CN Tower and the Rogers Center. Plus their basketball team is called the Raptors!

  20. Toronto, Canada!!! that's where Skye Sweetnam lives!!! go to and look at her video 'human', it's awesome!!!!!!

  21. Sydney, Australia...I ahave already been to Toronto, Canada.

  22. Sydney, so much more to see and do close by. Toronto is just like any other City. Sydney is exceptional.

    Plus, there are some awsome beaches in the city of sydney - and i like the beach

  23. sydney,toronto is a world class sewer

  24. Australia!!

  25. ive already lived in toronto ,

    its not THAT Great .

    its big ,

    yeah .

    very multicultrual.

    not much to do .

    and its COLD .

    but AUSTRALIA ! :D

    is hottt ,

    beatiful .

    with nice people .

    kangeroos ar amazingly cool animals too,

  26. Sydney Australia!

  27. sydney cuz i live in toronto..


  28. Sydney Australia, why not? I just think Australia is more appealing to the activities I like to do. They have swimming, wildlife, and you can walk on top of the bridge.

  29. sydney duh who wants to go to canada?

    omfg the thumbs r biased id like some pro austrailias or at least some more anti canadians to press the thumb buttons 2

  30. sydney, because i have been to canada and i would love to visit the beaches in sydney.

  31. Sydney Australia of course

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