
Which classic are you ashamed to admit you have never read?

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Which classic are you ashamed to admit you have never read?




  1. Uhhmm... White Fang. But, I'm not ashamed of admitting it. I'm not even ashamed to say this: I have a lousy vocabulary and this is why I could not understand the book.

    : )


  2. MANY. There are sooo many good books that I don't think a lifetime will be enough for me to finish them all. If I have to choose one, then War and Peace by Tolstoy.

  3. The Grapes of Wrath and This Side of Paradise. I don't know why, but those get rave reviews. I should probably read them. Too bad I'm lazy...

  4. Great Expectations, Jane Eyre, Anna Karenina, War and Peace, Catcher in the Rye. etc

  5. The only classic I have ever read is To Kill a Mocking Bird, So I guess all the rest of them but I wouldn't say I am ashamed.

  6. *sigh* Wizard of Oz...... I'm in love with the movie and I've always wanted to read the books, i've just never gotten around to it. :'( *feels shame*

  7. Does Harry Potter count as one?

    hmm many i haven't read

  8. The Iliad and The Odyssey.

    I did 6 years of latin in highschool (In Belgium 6 years is normal) so I should have read it.

    But it's simply too much.

  9. Catch-22. I finally have a copy, though!

  10. War and Peace

    I was a Russian major, for heaven's sakes, AND a classics geek in general. And it's my husband's favorite book in the world.

    So I should have read it, but I haven't, and with a toddler keeping me busy atm, it's anybody's guess if I ever will.

  11. Uhhh......first of all Thomas Q, the Odyssey and the Iliad is GREEK. And they are available in English too. And many other languages.

    Ok back to the question:

    I think all the Jane Austen books are classics and I haven't read them....yet. I don't think you should be ashamed of not reading a classic because first of all you have a life ahead of you and enough time to spare to read a book and second of all you read classics because you like them and because the subject interests you and not because you want to tell all your friends that you read a classic. Besides, not all people like reading books and they don't have to force themselves to so they aren't ashamed.

  12. Treasure Island and


  13. Playboy December 2006. I was sick with cat flu & couldn't leave the house.

  14. Ulysses by James Joyce.

    I will, someday, I swear it!

    *** (fingers crossed) ***

  15. 1984

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