
Which clear colored soda has the most caffeine?

by Guest62378  |  earlier

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Which clear colored soda has the most caffeine?




  1. Mountain Dew

  2. mountain dew...

  3. Cream Soda

  4. I think you should make up your OWN mind. Here ya go! ::

  5. NONE, the highest caffeine content soda is .......Drum roll please

    Mountain DEW

    clear ones are

    sierra mist, none, 7 up none,

    i found you this a long read but worth it

    Caffeine content not always clear

    By Ann Tatko-Peterson

    Contra Costa Times

    Monday, August 20, 2007

    WALNUT CREEK, Calif. — During the summer, John Sadler enjoys a daily Starbucks Grande Iced Coffee Mocha, an espresso blended with mocha syrup, milk and ice. The 22-year old Pleasant Hill, Calif., resident knows the drink packs 320 calories, but until recently had no idea about the caffeine content.

    "Do I really want to know?" he asked while sipping his drink at a downtown Walnut Creek Starbucks. "I love my coffee, soda and iced tea. But if I know how much caffeine that adds up to in a day, there goes my blissful ignorance."

    Curiosity eventually got the best of him. He looked slightly pained to learn his 16-ounce coffee contained 175 milligrams of caffeine.

    Moderate caffeine intake, according to, is three 8-ounce cups of coffee totaling about 250 milligrams per day. Sadler's one serving was more than two-thirds of a day's average limit.

    "Well, that explains a lot," he said. "When I skip my morning Starbucks run, I always feel rundown. Now I know why."

    Calories, carbohydrates and fat are consciously tracked nutritional facts. Caffeine? Not so much. An alkaloid, caffeine acts as a stimulant and is commonly found in coffee, tea, soda and energy drinks. The severity of those stimulating properties, addictiveness and potential health problems are widely debated. However, most agree that because tolerance levels vary, everyone responds differently to caffeine.

    The problem, especially for caffeine- sensitive people, is setting limits when the quantity is not transparent.

    Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires product labels to list caffeine in the ingredients, it does not mandate specifying the amount. Since 1997, numerous medical, health and research officials have unsuccessfully petitioned the FDA to change that stance.

    Some companies, including Starbucks, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, have decided in the past year to list the amount voluntarily.

    That still falls short of the full transparency sought by petitioners such as Brenda Eskenazi, a University of California-Berkeley professor of epidemiology in the School of Public Health.

    "I feel strongly that the public has a right to know what they're eating so they can make educated decisions," Eskenazi said. "There are sensitive subgroups, like pregnant women, elderly people and those with heart problems, who need to limit their caffeine intake."

    Eskenazi added that whether caffeine has adverse or beneficial health effects is irrelevant in this issue.

    "I want to be allowed to make my own informed decision," she said. "When my son was younger, I didn't want him to have extra caffeine. Unfortunately, it's not always clear. Who would have thought Mountain Dew would have caffeine? It's the wrong color."

    Certified nutrition consultants, such as Nori Hudson in Berkeley, advise their clients to be diligent.

    "A product may not include what you think it does," she said. "Put it under a magnifying glass. Read the label, and if you can't get the information you need on the label, then go online."

    Web sites with comprehensive databases listing caffeine amounts include and

    Competition has driven up the amount of caffeine packed into energy drinks. More than 500 such drinks are on the market and their sales pitches say it all.

    Fixx Energy promises it will "outperform all other energy drinks" with 500 milligrams in its 20-ounce bottle. The company's Web site even cautions to consume no more than half the bottle at once until knowing the drink's effects.

    Such fine print warnings don't always work.

    A study by the Sacramento division of the California Poison Control found nine cases of adverse reactions to the energy drink Redline RTD from January 2004 to March 2006. Symptoms included tremors, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, dizziness, chest pain and bilateral numbness, which landed patients in the emergency room.

    Redline RTD is an 8-ounce energy drink with 250 milligrams of caffeine. Small type on the label recommends drinking only half a can to "assess tolerance."

    Energy drinks are especially popular with teenagers and college students. One beverage industry study found that 62 percent of high school and college students regularly consume energy drinks.

    That concerns groups such as the Caffeine Awareness Alliance.

    "The trend will continue until we hear news of frequent overdoses or children being hospitalized because of energy drinks," said Bill Aaronson, spokesman for the alliance. "For now, we will continue to lobby to regulate caffeine and try to convince the public to become better educated."

    Copyright © 1997 - 2007 the Evening Post Publishing Co.

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