
Which clown is scariest?

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a) The Joker in The Dark Knight

b) Pennywise, the clown in "It" i.e. a movie based on Stephen King's novel.

c) It's Show Time!, yammers' own in-house clown

d) Other clown, pls specify...




  1. The Joker in The Dark Knight

  2. all clown scare me :(

  3. I would say the joker in The Dark Knight.

  4. pennywise

  5. i still remember when my cousin bday... i was like young like a kid.. then i went cousin bday they got hire a clown... his hair is lke rainbow n big lip with round red nose  its freaked the h**l outta me.. then i cried n cried non stop until my uncle have to put the clown out.. i got nightmare when i see clown.. scary u know

  6. all clown oso looked scary de..............

  7. the joker in the dark night

  8. D) 'Clown' from Slipknot

  9. "it" the clown fasho! he gave me nightmares when i was little

  10. Michael Jackson he's a clown

  11. clown in Supernatural drama sux ppl's blood!

  12. Pennywise. Freaky!

  13. The joker! His makeup in the dark knight was so horrible that he look so scary!

  14. B most defo i was a kid wen i seen it scared the c**p outa me:)

  15. the in house one for sure

    hey sugarcane that my uncle tommy

  16. none of the above.....

    custie the clown!

  17. All of them!  I really can't stand clowns

  18. him ......PennyWise The Clown

  19. You missed Gordon Brown from your list

  20. d) other clown,, to specify,, please take a look,


    heha crab,, ur uncle must taste funny then,, phehe

  21. Gordon Brown.

  22. IT , he plays on your scariest fears, and even appears in the tommyknockers! feeds off the darkest fear and uses his clown disguise to get you

    ergh it makes me feel all shivery :S

  23. Of course the joker. He's psycho :D

  24. Cause its Me You Brat

    Haha i'l Even Show you how to Float Down Here

    They All Float....


  25. b] Pennywise.

  26. all of it, included Mc Donald.

  27. the joker in the dark knight movie is the best haha..

  28. Pennywise...It takes a fair bit too scare me but he hits the spot... :S

  29. inclined to agree about pennywise from IT......also when brian dehney dressed as a clown in the film he made about ted bundy "to catch a killer".. yuk! creepy.

    hate 'em!

  30. The second one. It is really spooky.... I still shudder when I think of it till today (pun unintended)

  31. d) Other,

    That Ronald McDonald clown used to scare the h**l out of me as a kid..

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