
Which coastal area would experience the warmest ocean temperature in April?

by Guest57897  |  earlier

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-East coast of Australia.


-West coast of Australia.


-Coast of South Africa.


-coast of Chile, South America




  1. Coast of Chile has a cold ocean current called the Humboldt Current. — cold water

    West coast of Australia also has a cold current called West Australian Current. — cold water

    East coast of Australia has a warm ocean current called the East Australian Current that flows south down the east coast from just south of the Equator. — warm water

    South Africa has two currents - on the west coast is the cold Bengal Current but on the east side is the warm Alohas current running from the Equator down and also has the warm Mozambique Current. — warm water

    Now, is the water off the east coast of Australia warmer than the water off the east coast of South Africa? That is the question.

    I looked at the world ocean atlas, temperatures map, and according to the coloring, the south east coast of South Africa is warmer than the east coast of Australia.

    Map showing the ocean currents (warm and cold)

  2. in florida the water temperature was 93F two days ago but let me answer what u asked i think the east coast of australia has the warmest ocean temperature.

  3. I was all set to say San Diego, Ca... then I read your options... and I have no clue, never been to any of those places.

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