
Which college major should I choose?

by Guest64126  |  earlier

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Landscape Architecture or Accontant? Which career would have more prospects and variety?




  1. youll enjoy landscape architecture  better. add me as your contact yoda im already yours!!!!

  2. Landscape Architecture because it allows you to be more creative and there are more varieties.

  3. Well I don't think anyone can very well make that decision but you. I'm not sure about the prospects for either major, but personally I would think the architecture sounds like it'd provide more variety. Maybe take a few classes under each major and see which you enjoy more? Then from there you can determine which you should choose.  

  4. Well, a friend told me this once, and it made a lot of sense to me.

    Pick a career that you're going to enjoy doing. It doesn't matter if it doesn't pay terribly well. It beats doing a job that pays a lot, but one that you can't stand going to everyday.

    Ultimately it's up to you. Take a few classes in each, and see which one you seem more comfortable with. If you hate the job, you're not going to do it very well, even if it pays good (may not always be true, but for the most part it'll be).

    A finance major has more job opportunities overall, but again, you'll be competing with a lot of other people for those positions, so you may want to expand your horizons so you pick up some skills or training that they may not have which can give you an advantage against them.

  5. if you want variety, do not become an accountant. Talk about boring. I mean if you want to play with numbers all day, sure go for it. You could also make decent money as an accountant.

    Personally, I'd choose Landscape Arch. That sounds really interesting and as someone else said, you get to be creative. You can also work outside and travel all over to design different things. Sounds like a cool gig to me and you could definitely make some money doing this...

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