
Which college should I apply to?

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I have an SAT score of 2350, SAT subject test scores of 790 (Literature), 800 (Mathematics Level II), and 790 (US HIstory), straight As in a really good public school, 5s on three AP exams (US History, Literature and Composition, and Statistics), and really good extracurricular activities (lots of piano awards, and I plan to run a marathon in a couple months).

I've already decided to apply to William and Mary, Duke, Georgetown, NCSU, UNC Chapel Hill, the University of South Carolina, and Virginia Tech, and I want to apply to one or two more. I was going to apply to Yale and Columbia, but they award NO merit based scholarships, which is important to me.

So my question is, is there another really good college in the eastern half of the country I could apply to which does award merit based scholarships?




  1. Your grades and SATs are really impressive. I think you can more or less go to whatever college you want.

    It is very hard for me to believe that Yale and Columbia offer NO merit based scholarships. Have you called the admissions office and spoken directly to an admissions counselor. Do not believe everything you read or hear. Go straight to the horse's mouth.

    Let me note that you are applying to schools in the Southeast, but appear also interested in the Northeast. And all of the schools you are applying to are large, with the exception of William and Mary. And you do not mention University of Virginia, which is better than most of the schools you mention. (And the campus has the added benefit of having been designed by Thomas Jefferson).

    Here are some of the best schools in the Northeast: Swarthmore, Havorford, and Bryn Mawr (all great liberal arts colleges near Philadelphia), Wesleyan (Connecticut),  Radcliffe, Smith and Mount Holyoke (all former womens colleges in Massachusetts), Brown (Rhode Island, Ivy League), Vasser (in New York, also a great former womens college).

    If you are willing to consider the midwest, the Universities of Wisconsin and Michigan are both very great universities. They will probably be attracted to you in part because you are coming from out of state. These universities offer everything the Ivy League does, plus a somewhat more diverse student body.

    You deserve the best. Good luck.  

  2. Brown? Amherst?

  3. Try Harvard.  If your family earns under 180K you pay 10% - under 60K you pay nothing.



  4. Unless your parents are very high income, don't rule out the ivies. Most will give substantial aid to families making up to $180,000. These families, if they have typical assets, will only pay 10% of income, a lot less than they used to be expected to pay.

    You might add UVA and Davidson.

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