
Which color reflects all colors?

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Which color reflects all colors?

a. white

b. green

c. red

d. black

Little bit of explanation "why" would be appreciated




  1. a)...White, as white consists of all the colours of the spectrum anyway it will not split up white light.

    White reflects white as white is the 'colour' seen due to this reflection.

    Any other colour is absorbing all other colours except the colour you see which is the reflected colour....

  2. None.  Only a mirror can.  And I wouldnt say a mirror has color, really, except those it reflects

  3. to reflect all colors, it would be something reflective like a high gloss silver color , like a mirror or polished steel.

    black absorbs the colors

    red absorbs the colors and reflect back what u see which is red, same goes for green,

    white reflects the light but not visible colors that u can see.

  4. white

  5. i thought it was black!

    even though white sounds the most logical

  6. Are you talking about pigment or light?

    In pigment (ie paint, fabric dye, etc.) white absorbs all colors and black reflects all colors.  That's why you can see the black, because all the colors mixed reflect back onto the retina of your eye.

    With light, black absorbs all colors and white reflects all colors.  Basically light and pigment behave opposite of one another.

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