
Which colored contacts should i get?

by  |  earlier

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i want to get colored contacts

im asian, i wear a lot of eyeliner

i have really really dark brown hair,

almost black

i have really dark brown eyes

and i want colored contacts

a natural color, maybe like brown, or light brown..auburn

i dont want colors like green blue purple

natural colors


pictures would be great!!

thank you!




  1. none why mess up your eyes sheesh

  2. dont get colored contacts, people think you're fake!

  3. I have 2 Chinese flat mates ... one of them is wearing a nice light brown "almost green" contact lenses.

    With our kind of job we are forced to wear makeup around the eyes (eyeliners and eye shadows). So with this lenses color I feel it looks great on her.

    But it's probably better to try first. Some stores may let you try the colors and then you can choose from. I think a light brown will work just nice with you, especially if you started to think of highlighting your hair with some brown colors.

  4. orange.

  5. if you definalty want a color i would recommend light brown.  

  6. I think a hazel color would look beautiful, or a natural green. You can try this site I just go on and mess with my make up and stuff. But you just upload a pic, and it lets you change the color of your eyes. It tells you what colour your changing it to, so if you like the color you know what color to get. Have fun, it's really great site, and unbeleivably free :O

  7. how bout green or blue

  8. auburn

  9. yeah Asian girls mostly go for a hazel brown lighter brown. But it seem to always look fake, but still better than any other color they could wear. go for a hazel lighter brown! =) I hope i helped!

  10. keep your beautifull naturally cute ebony eyes

  11. blue or green

  12. yea, like auburn or a golden color would look good

  13. i think u shud get light brown..or green

  14. i would say light brown with a bit of copper in it.

    dont have anything that looks really unnatural.. because you can tell and it looks retarded.

    go with something light.. like i said lighter brown with copper,

    because your eyes will pop and look reeeally nice with the darkness of your hair.  

  15. yep none would be best!

  16. Hi,

    I'm asian and have Freshlooks Colorblends in Pure Hazel and also the Green.  The Pure Hazel lightens my brown eye color and looks very natural.  I use them for every day/daytime.  The Green is a little trickier.  You can tell they are obviously not my natural eye color, but they are pretty.  However, with the green, there is a brown ring around the pupil area where my natural color shows through.

    You can go to the following website and 'try' the colors on the different models so you can get an idea of what you might want.  I made an appointment with an optometrist specifically to try their samples on and see what looked best.  The Green looked nice in the office setting, but outside in the daytime it looked too fake.  I save the Green for going out at night.

  17. i think you should get purple it will reflect your skin tone and it is diferent


    Scroll down the page a little on this site to see some cool contacts

    and the links below are some more cool pics.

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