
Which company manufactured CONCORDE Passenger Planes ?

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Which company manufactured CONCORDE Passenger Planes ?




  1. The British Aircraft Corporation, the precursor to Airbus.

  2. It was developed in partnership between Aérospatiale and BAC.

  3. A whole bunch of companies. It was a big pork barrel project. If you were in that industry and you made a political campaign contribution, u got to take part

  4. BAC (British Aircraft Corp.)and Sud-Aviation were the companies that did the construction of the 20 aircraft.  Great Britain and France put up the money (12 Billion) and the 16 aircraft that went into service were in effect given to the two respective national airlines of the two countries British Airways and Air France.

    The aircraft was a technological marvel but a financial disaster.  No aircraft were sold.  The examples that went into service were uneconomical and ticket prices were 5 times the average price of a transatlantic air ticket of the day.


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