
Which condition is probably most necessary for a monarch to gain power? Why?

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Which condition is probably most necessary for a monarch to gain power? Why?




  1. Now days if you want to become a King you've got to find a leaderless country and convince the populace that it's a good idea or just start killing them until they agree, just like the old days. Not likely to happen, but good luck on your quest.

  2. Nowadays, the most necessary condition is being the first-born of a reigning monarch. Being male is also probably a good thing...

    You might want to read up on primogeniture.

  3. The common law right of the first born son to inherit the entire estate, to the exclusion of younger siblings. It is the tradition of inheritance by the first-born of the entirety of a parent's wealth, estate or office; or in the absence of children, by collateral relatives, in order of seniority of the collateral line.

  4. The death of your father(mother)- or at the very least their abdication, presuming you are their first born son.

    It has been a long long time since monarchs came to power through conflict. These the days that kind of conflict usually leads to a republic- ie. no monarch at all.

  5. Historically speaking, the most common way a Monarch gained power was war.

  6. faith of people in personality cult and reverence for the ruler for any proper or improper reason.  people are not conscious of their democratic rights and find som sort of divinity in the king.  for example, traditionally the people of nepal believe that their king is an incarnatrion of hindu god vishnu.  according to ancient hindu scriptures,  divinity is an element in king.

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