
Which countries are least dependant upon US economy?

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If the US were to go into another depression, which countries would be safe or even thrive?




  1. The United States is a relatively small trading partner for Poland and maybe some other small medium size european countries.. whose agricultural products/chief exports (coal) go mainly to Germany, France, China...

    In fact the fall of the dollar has been welcome in this part of the world where it is now nearly half the price of the local currency down from 4 times stronger in the past.  

    Many people here would are now or would like to buy cars clothing and electronics or go on vacations in the dollar zones to take advantage of the exchange rates..

    So softness in the economy is actually opening the US to a greater number of consumers and stimulatign US exports, retail (some real estate) and tourism...

    If there was a US depression China and the other economies would have to slow down as well for it to be truly global. Otherwise bargain hunters will continue to buy up products (and US companies) thus dampening the sceanario you envision.

  2. I would guess north korea and cuba.

    and a depression is a historical extreme case of a recession.

  3. none, they all come crying to us for help all the time when they are in trouble and they are mostly in trouble more than the us country.....the world is one big ghetto

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