
Which countries are the worlds worst polluters?

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Anyone saying the US without any proof (provide a link, please) will not get the Best Answer and will in fact get a thumbs down. No offense, I just tired of all the anti-US bashing going on just because the US is the richest and most powerful, etc. I am just interested in facts, not snide remarks. Thanks.




  1. japan,

    for its size, produces more polution in one day then CA

  2. The reason the U.S. is the least polluting is because of prosperity. A nation first builds it's economic structure, military, wealth. Environmental concerns become a nations priority, ONLY AFTER they have achieved success in wealth, health, security. Few other nations have reached that level, so the environment is not as high a concern as ours.

  3. Not sure what pollution has to do with global warming? Are you referring to co2? (its not a pollutant)

  4. japan and china, they manufactur everything and are destroying the earth, and i agree america is making better attempts to help then anyone.

  5. Australians are the world's worst polluters, according to a new 'name and shame' league table based on power station emissions.

  6. Third world countries are by far the worst. They should follow the lead the U.S. has taken.

  7. First world countries pollute the most, third world countries appreciate things because they don't have money i.e. wash plastic bags over and over. I've lived in both types of countries and both scenarios. Before when I had little money our family had no car, only 3 meals a day, and used recycled water bottles for drinking water. Now in a developed country we see people driving just around the corner, eating more than 5 times a day and buying canned/bottled drinks like theirs no tomorrow. Most shoppers use plastic bags instead of paper or fabric baskets. Finally Developed countries have the highest rate of Obesity per capita than Underdeveloped countries. Technology is making us lazy. It's not the US its the world everyone is guilty of polluting.

  8. I dont think Germany not China do much towars  pollution.They have such close living environments that has to be some  kind of hazard in china i would think.Actually the U.S. is not as bad as folks make it seem sometimes.We have folks that work hard trying to  control this problem and have some very good people in that area that do studies and learn what to do and how to handle it.Im sure it wont be your best answere but i think that  people living here just dont appreciate what we have and those who handle it.Let them go to cities where the streets are full of garbage where the smells are so bad they gag you then they will love and respect the good ole U.S.A.

  9. The amount of pollution caused by a country is due to the consumption within that country. Part of the coal, mined in Australia and burnt in China goes into manufacturing an item sold in Europe or the US, so it is fair to lay the blame on the consumer.

    Currently, the US consumes more than any other country because of a large population  and high standard of living. That is not US bashing - per capita, the US is not the leading polluter.

  10. At present it is  CHINA  basically  because of its growing economy

    and lot of of foreign investors are being attracted . There is lot of

    industries mainly large scale and construction  activities going

    on full swing. Automobile industries are manufacturing many cars

    and trucks  hence contributing to the pollution. BRAZIL may to

    some extent be successful. Hope things are fine.  

  11. Humbly answers Q. Yes, it's China. But, when I think of air pollution, I often think of some family members that went out of business in Quebec because of acid rain. They had a maple syrup business. Thousands of their trees died. But that was 25 years ago, and the U.S. acted quickly when it was realized.  

  12. definitely the us and china.

    the us is the country that produces more carb gasses alone in the world plus have you seen china lately.

  13. Oh My Jesus I went to Panama City and it was horrible!

  14. mexico city(because it is in a vally so the smog and pollotion can't get out)


    china (even thought they said anout the enviroment a the olimpic their still the worst)

  15. I think the world deemed the US to be the world's worst polluters, but now that title goes to China.

  16. this is from 1950-1996

    its from a book

    and yes us is the greatest polluter, even though this isnt new, i dnt think any other country can beat this

    (in million tonnes)

    usa 50795




    india 4235


    south africa 233

    mexico 2118

    australia 2080

    brazil 1557

    kores 1361

    indonesia 966

  17. China and the USA. why?

    Because China hosts many many factories that produce a great amount emmisions

    And Because the U.S.A is putting all these factories there in the first place.

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