
Which countries captain is the most intelligent of them all?

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Dear Sisters and brothers of the cricket section,

Miadaad, Murali, Harbhajan, Punter, Symmonds and Lille find out that they can only rent one car to go the the cricket stadium. Symmonds is annoyed with Harby, Lillee with Miandaad and Punter with Miadaad, Murali and Harbhajan. The captains of all the cricketing nations were asked how the players should be transported to the stadium.

They decided that it would be very unsafe to have a majority of Australian players with the subcontinental players either at the hotel from where the journey commenses or at the stadium where the journey ends. Punter agrees!

Q1. Do you agree with Ponting ?

Doesnt matter, as the captain of the reigning world champions Pontings word is final here. Only any one of these six can drive the car, there are no chauffeurs. Now this problem was given to all the captains of the different cricket teams to solve.

Q 2. Is there a solution? There got to be, after all one of the captains is far more intelligent than the rest. What was his solution? As you can guess if you solve this question correctly or the best you can..he must be from your country, Of the different soulutions the one with the shotest solution wins because after all time is of essence.

In my opinion, there is only one person from England that may be able to process this, from Australia and New Zealand there are 3 who can solve this, from India at least 5, from SL 1 and from Pakistan 1. Let me is if I am correct here.

Good luck

Rehman of Multan




  1. i dnt noe

  2. Intelligence doesn't matter.

    Ponting get's results.  What's the point of having a sky high IQ, if you can't bat or bowl; or even motivate your peers?

    I'd have to go with Ponting.


    Results have to define ability and intelligence in this case.

  3. All are idiots

  4. Very intelligent question.

    I agree with Ponting. It may be unsafe.

    It will take me a while to solve this. Hopefully, be back tomorrow morning.

    I think the English will win this one.

  5. Rehman bhai, Slaam !

    how many rounds are permitted ?

    can a player, who hates another drive him in the car, however it doesn't stay at the start point or end point with him!

    seeking clarification !

    Edit: Okay Rehman Bhai, your Q states that Majority of Australian players can't stay with sub continent players either at hotel or stadium , so this is the way it will work out !

    Harbi +Punter drive-------------->Punter dropped

    Harbi drives back .

    ( At hotel Majority is sub continent players, not Aus players)

    Lillie + Symonds drive----------------->  Lillie dropped

    Symonds drives back

    (At hotel majority is sub continent players , not Aus players)

    Harby+ Symonds drive------------------> Symonds dropped

    Harby drives back

    ( At hotel only sub continent players left out)

    Miandad + Murali drive------------------> Both drop at stadium

    whereas Punter drives the car back to hotel, so the strength at stadium for Aus and sub continent players is 2 each (equal)

    Punter+ Harby drive------------------> stadium

  6. Punter, & Symmonds

    Symmonds &  Lille

    Symmonds & Miadaad,

    Miandad & Murali,

    Murali, & Harbhajan,

    wat about it Mr rehman???

  7. I think Murally is the only one who can mediate since he has no animosity towards any and in your question it is not clear to me that Murally and Harby are having a fight.I sense a trick in that statement.

    So Murally can be the chauffeur and Jayawardene can get the credit.

    If Harby and Murally are cool,Murally can stay wherever he chooses to.

    First to separate should be Lillee and Miandad.

    Edit: Q1

    I disagree with punter because avoiding the issue is not the same as solving it.

    Majority of one faction is going to cause the problems,right? So, 3 from each faction should be able to keep the peace.MAD-mutual assured destruction should be good motivator for peace.

    Rheman bro,from where do you come up with these questions,you are making us look dumb!

  8. I vote for china's captain  

  9. 1: Lillee & Symonds, Symonds returns, Lillee at the staidum

    2: Punter & Miandad to stadium, Lillee returns (Punter & Miandad at the stadium)

    3: Bhajji & Murali to the stadium, Murali Returns (Punter, Miandad, Bhajji at stadium)

    4: Lillee & Murali to the stadium, Lillee returns (Punter, Miandad, Bhajji, Murali at the stadium)

    5: Lillee & Symonds to the stadium.

    Now all are at the stadium.

  10. Symonds and Miandad drive to stadium.

    This leaves Ponting, Murali, Harbhajan amd Lillee at hotel (2 Australians, 2 sub-continentals)

    Symonds left at stadium. Miandad drives back.

    Lillee and Murali drive to stadium.

    This leaves Ponting, Miandad, Harbhajan at hotel (1 Australian, 2 sub-continentals)

    Murali left at stadiun. Lillee returns (with aliminium bat)

    This leaves Symonds and Murali at stadium (1 Australian, 1 sub-continental, neither in conflict with the other)

    Harbhajan and Lillee drive to stadium

    Ponting, Miandad left at hotel (1 Australian, 1 sub-continental. Ponting in conflict with Miandad, but numbers are even)

    Harbhajan left at stadium.

    This leaves Symonds, Murali, Harbhajan at stadium Australians outnumbered, so Murlai acting as peacemaker

    Lillee and Ponting drive to stadium.

    This leaves Miandad at hotel. He fights with a waiter to vent his spleen.

    Lillee left at hotel. The numbers at the hotel are now even.

    Ponting returns to collect Miandad. They return to stadium in silence, both holding the steering wheel.

    All now at stadium.

  11. Thanks for a larf me ole tosser, you can't even get the names right!

  12. I will go with SOURAV GANGULY

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