
Which countries contribute the greatest to pollution?

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ie global warming




  1. Developing countries like China are some of the biggest contributers, though the United States is a big one too. It is a big country though.

  2. China there ar more people there. Us is also quit bad.

  3. China

  4. What polution are you talking about?  Non toxic (unless extreem levels) CO2?  Or toxic stuff that will really mess you up.  The US puts off alot of CO2.  However we are good on alot of the byproduct emissions.

  5. Of the top 10 polluters, China and India cities account for 6 of them. the other 3 are such strange names i can't remember them or spell them.

    Funny how people are so brain washed that they believe CO2 is actually a polutant. I guess we need to take some of these mush minds back to basic science in high school. I know our public school system isn't that great, but what kind of moron thinks CO2 is a pollutant ? do you believe everything you see on TV ?

    The enviormental whacho's have succeeded in pushing this c**p into your mind and they do'nt have the intelligence to even question it. CO2 is claimed to be so bad because it adds to the greenhouse effect....or so they want you to believe. If that is so, answer me this...why did the temperature world wide go down 1/2 a degree in 2007 due to less sunspot activite of the sun ? Shouldn't this evil Co2 had kept the warming up ? During the nations industrialization we emitted tons of Co2, yet the temperature back as recent as the 70's actually was going down. Some of the eco freaks back then were predicting a mini ice-age.

    Don't believe the hype. We didn't sign off on the Kyoto accords because the biggest actual poluters weren't expected to change their ways, so why should the USA , since we are , after all one of the leading green countries out wouldn't believe it from all the commercial hype and enviormentalist lies.

    Arsenic is a polutant, Co2 is not. Get a grip, get educated, and stop spreading the propaganda.

  6. CHINA!!!  Yet everyone picks on Americans.  Just go and visit, I couldn't even breathe there.

  7. OH yeah, definetely China. I think the U.S. is after them. China is the worst when it comes to pollution.

  8. Its probably the U.S. I love my country but I have to admit that we are omitting a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere. Global warming is scary but then again, there can be things to prevent IT or its IMPACT on the rest of the earth. Check out these websites:



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